
Frangipani Flower Photos


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Our Frangipani Flower Slideshow

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About Our Flowers

All the frangipani flowers in the slideshow are varieties which we are growing at our Eumundi nursery. Some of the varieties are continuously available in all sizes however others will not be available at all for a number of years.


Like most other people, the more we learn about frangipanis, the more varieties we want to collect. We have a number of varieties in our personal collection that we hope to someday be able to sell. Be sure to come back regularly or join our mail list (when we get one) to see which varieties become available.

Control The Slideshow

Click on the right or left side of each image to see the next or previous flower.

Click on a dot underneath the images to find a particular frangipani flower.

For a list of all our frangipanis, see Frangipani varieites.